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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Even Big Bird Will Solve This One...

So remember Sesame Street? Of course you do.

There was that game they'd play "which one of these things doesn't belong." Remember?

I haven't watched The Street since I was running around in footsie pajamas (3 years ago)... but I seem to remember Big Bird always having a hard time with that game. I think he was playing coy, being sly:

"Yeah guys, I really don't know which one of these things is not like the other," he'd say to the kids while looking at a large group of oranges with one banana in the middle.

But Bird knew... he knew... he's just playing dumb so he can sneak up on those kids one day.

Anyhow...  borderline psychotic anecdote aside: I think Big Bird can nail this one:

Pretty easy right... the answer is THE RV!!!

We spent the night last night at a truck stop in A-Town-I-Can't-Pronounce, Louisiana. It was a nice rest.

But we don't know the "unspoken rules of the truckstop." Hopefully we didn't do something along the lines of stepping in someone's line on the green... but we made it out without a butt kickin, and in my book that's a win.


We're on the way to Texas now... some good ole country roads, etc. Click the link to the live cam and chat if you'd like to speak to us in real time!


Thanks for hanging out with us!


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