are hilarious. For some reason, people think since they are on the computer and typing to some invisible electric socket that they can write whatever they want without consequence.
((fyi- I'm three deep on the coffee.))
So a pretty nice Thursday shaping up. I'm going to give you a couple examples and perhaps attempt a video commentary... I don't know, I don't know if I'll have enough time.
Ok, the question is simple enough. And the idea behind it is ok too:
"Hey, let's generate a little conversation and be cool and hip with the viewers."
I'm neat... I'm hip... I enjoy Facebook... so does my elderly and infirm Uncle Dempsy, who is hip too (actually he needs a hip).
((ed. note -- I don't have an Uncle Dempsy... just making a bad point with worse comedy, but I digress))
--Ok, so other than the very first comment, these viewer posts seem pretty reasonable and tame.
Otherwise known as: "BORING!!!!"
Come on, where are the filthy, off-color posts that make you wonder about human decency??????
Oh, wait... ((play video))
[that video just made the blog 23% better]
Here's what I'm after... posts like this:
HA... i wonder if they know the news is actually looking at this and may actually use it on the news. ((the news is a TV broadcast that, despite some tough times, still draws 100,000 viewers a night)).
Kim may be missing the point... I'm pretty sure booty calls are frowned upon in most religion, perhaps giving that up doesn't count?
Or maybe it does... I'm only a United States Coast Guard licensed Captain (well, I was... the license expired in 2006)
The point here isn't a debate on religion, it's more a look into what some folks think is great to put out there for the world to see.
And don't miss-read this post, I'm not complaining... I LOVE IT! It makes my job as a reporter easier, it's posts like this one:
...that give me decent story ideas. So, Mr. Dan Lowe, if you'll respond to an email and be willing to go on camera for an interview about how you plan on doing this for 40 days, we've got some TV magic on our hands at 11:00pm.
So there's my day in a nut.
Thanks for reading, Coach Howard truely appreciates it.
((Lewis' Note: 2:22pm UPDATE: Mr. Dan Lowe and I spoke via Facebook message. He's all on board, but can't do it until tomorrow. So we'll do the story then. In the mean time, I'll continue my hunt for tonight's 11pm B Block foolishness.))
((Lewis' Note: 4:29pm UPDATE: I'm contemplating a story idea right now that will require a good bit of doing... but motivation is lacking. I need a muffin.))
((Lewis' Note: 4:31pm UPDATE: Muffins aren't just laying around anywhere, so that's not happening. Just finished meeting with consultant, i get double dipped on those things since I'm news and weather.))
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