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Friday, April 15, 2011

Is Vinyl Coming Back??

Judging by the pants I'm wearing today, I'd say vinyl never went anywhere.

Vinyl pants provide the support I need and the comfort I deserve.


But I digress... I'm actually talking about records, albums, you know the music thing. Apparently Saturday is national vinyl record day (or something like that) and that's what I'm working on today... a story about vinyl. Naturally any hometown, locally owned shop that still sells old fashioned records is going to contain some neat people... that have seen it all when it comes to music and recording, that's what I'm after today, something bizarre.

But this blog is never complete without embarrassing my co-workers with my roving camera. here's my loose poll on whether anyone actually owns a record player or not... not as predictable as you may think!

A. Mike Lyons is ALWAYS clutch. In everything... but especially in my video blogs. I'd like to use him in every story i ever do from now on.

B. I've heard that the store I'm going to visit today actually has X-rated soul albums and a rap record featuring Darryl Strawberry.

Letter B is reason enough to watch my story tonight at 6pm on First Coast News.


follow me on twitter: www.twitter.com/LewTurner

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