I have full faith in highly trained meteorologists... I feel like I do a decent job of forecasting, as well.
However, the guys at NASA are the best in the world. That's not an exaggeration. That's a fact based on the amount of training, screening, and expensive (MEGA expensive and absolutely cutting edge) equipment they have.
For pete's sake, they put the weather satellites in space.
But, how did that 70% chance of storms work out? The running joke I get every single time I meet someone new, or hang out with my Uncle Jerry is: "You weather guys are the only people that can get paid and be wrong half the time."
First of all, that never gets old.
Second, I wonder if they'll get any friendly joking from the launch director, of maybe Charles Bolden will come over with a jab at the next NASA mixer.
I doubt it. I'm pretty sure there is no joking in NASA.
But let me say this, I don't think there is a happier set of meteorologists on the planet than the folks at KSC. They're just fine with the 30% Go forecast. I am too.
And here's the thing. They may not be wrong. Storms could start popping on the Space Coast any minute. Timing was everything.
So... with all that said, what a great launch. What a great experience.
The view from the beach was good. If you have never seen a launch in person, the visuals are friggin amazing... but the vibrations (more than just noise) literally takes your breath away, and you don't really feel it until a couple of minutes later.
Man that's so cool... the next thing is going to have to be even cooler.
Now they're off to load up the ISS with supplies that should last them a year or so up there. Wild.