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Friday, April 29, 2011

Submarines Both Scare and Terrify Me...

I am absolutely terrified of submarined.

Two reasons...

1. I was fishing once, and the invisible wake from the sub shook my small boat so bad that I couldn't open a pepsi for a good 45 minutes. And I get an awful pepsi thirst when I'm fishin.

2. I always feel like there's some sort of sinister plot developing on board.

Now I've never actually been on or inside a sub. But I garner all of my knowledge of these things from my vast experience with submarine movies.

According to http://www.submarinemovies.com/ (it's a real site, just click it)... 110 movies about submarines have been made (dating back to 1916).

I've seen a great deal of those movies, and it always seems like Harrison Ford has to stop Sean Connery and Gene Hackman from flooding a compartment of nuclear material before President Denzel Washington hits the panic switch and starts a thermo-nuclear war.

But luckily, none of that's real... it just seems real because of the unbeatable and incomperable acting by each of those gentlemen. ACTING!!!!

So, without further delay (I don't know what ado means)... here's your Mike Lyons blog report, featuring a special guest:

There's a point to all of this, I promise. My story for tonight at 6 is about a special submarine homecoming. News crews are almost never allowed on Kings Bay so this will be cool. Nothing better than families getting back together, and it'll be especially cool to see the sub come back to port. It's the USS Florida... WELCOME HOME!!!!!

See you at 6...


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